Monday, January 24, 2022

RGP #037 - Doom 2099 22 & 23


DOOM 2099 #22 & 23, Marvel Comics, cover-dated October & November 1994.

"The Narrow World,"  and "Seize the Day," written by John Francis Moore, with art in both by Pat Broderick and John Nyberg.

What happens when Doom decides to expand the boundaries of his rule? Which old enemy from earlier in the series re-appears? And what of this other fella who claims to ALSO be Doctor Doom?

Listen to the episode and find out!

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Promo: Action Film Face-Off

Next Time: Doom 2099 #24 & 25, Marvel Comics, cover-dated December 1994 & January 1995.

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  1. Thanks for covering as I have been following the 'who is REALLY Doom' mystery from afar.

    Your breakdown of the 2x2 square is interesting. But may I ask a followup question.

    What does it truly mean when you ask 'who is Doom?'
    If neither are the 20th Century Victor but one is a clone, is neither Doom?
    What if one is a clone and one is someone who is a simulacrum imprinted with Doom's mental patterns? Are neither Doom? Or Both?
    What if both are clones? Are neither Doom? Or both?

    I am going to guess that neither are truly the Doom alive and well in the 1980s. One is a clone. One is imprinted. And then the philosophical question of 'Who is Doom?' will get downright metaphysical!

    1. mind blown.

      Yes, I thought about going into the imprinting vs. clone distinction, but that way lies madness.
