June 2018
So what comics did Professor Alan read during June? How many were Summer podcasting projects? How many were from lovely listeners and podcasting buddies? How many were related to his recent trip to Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC?
Listen to this exciting episode #37 ... and find out!
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Promo #1: In Country
Promo #2: Punch Like a Girl
Link: Buy Geek-Girl #1.
Next Episode: What comics did Professor Alan read during July? Listen in early August and find out!
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Another fun episode. I didn’t get round to commenting last time, but I Can Now Exclusively Reveal that you’re all wrong and the original Squadron Supreme maxi-serious is utterly ace. Maybe reading it in a oner is different, but certainly, buying it as it came out was a fabulous experience for me... the sheer soapy superhero drama was totally my bag. I’ll take that over Watchmen, which came out around the same time, any time. No boring pirates.