Monday, July 3, 2023

CRJ #097 - June 2023

Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal #097

June 2023

So what comics did Professor Alan read last month? How many were part of #AdventureComicsMonth? What was the balance between spies, cavemen, barbarians, and pulp heroes?

Listen to the episode and FIND OUT!

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Link: Buy Manuel's comic The Avandrus Theory

Promo: The Fanholes Podcast

Next Episode: What comics did Professor Alan read during July -- how many will be about shootouts and saloons and horsies for #WesternComicsMonth? Listen to the next episode, which should be out in early August.

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  1. Sounds like a great month! And given that Frank Thorne Red Sonja didn't crack your 'best of the month' list, you know you were reading quality books.

    That Supergirl story in Adventure Comics #381 is a semi-big deal. That was her first issue headlining the book after being in the back-up in the Action Comics for nearly a decade. She was finely a leading character! Plus, that issue includes her teaming up with Batgirl, a partnership that didn't happen as often as you might think! Great issue.

    And glad you read the Chaykin Shadow. That was the book that introduced me to him and I loved it immediately. For one, you could tell just from the twists and turns of the plot as well as the dialogue that Chaykin expects a lot out of his readers. Second, the whole 'man out of time' aspect of how a man from the 30s would view things in the 80s really grabbed me too. It would be interesting for you to know that Harlan Ellison hated this book and was pretty vocal on how much he disliked Chaykin's take leading to a long feud between the two! Sort of surprised this didn't crack the top of your list either.

    1. Thanks for that insight regarding the Supergirl issue. it seemed important, glad to have you confirm that.

      And the start of your Chaykin love! Sounds like an episode custom made for you. Excellent.
