Friday, November 4, 2022

CRJ #089 - October 2022

 Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal #089

October 2022

So what comics did Professor Alan read last month? How many were part of #HorrorComicsMonth?  Listen to the episode AND FIND OUT!!!

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Promo: Superman Super Show

Next Episode: What comics did Professor Alan read during November -- how many will be military-themed for #WarComicsMonth? Listen to the next episode, which should be out in early December.

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  1. Sounds like a good month. I am fan of horror comics, devouring all the anthologies as a kid (probably explains a lot), so glad to hear House of Mystery was there.

    Chaykin on Archie sounds crazy but then I heard it wasn't his take on that universe. Can only imagine Betty and Veronica written by him.

    I think everyone knew the Flashpoint universe was going to be meaningless (although somehow Geoff Johns keeps bringing it back). I didn't get The Outsider one. I actually enjoyed the Project Superman one (Gene Ha bringing a Dragon Ball Z style art to the proceedings). But the Lois Lane And the Resistance and the Shade The Changing Man one both disappointed.

    And glad to hear you are reading more SSoSV. My man The Creeper is there!

    1. Over the years I've read a handful of Flashpoint, and as stand-alones, alternate universe stories, they haven't been bad.
