After covering some feedback, and talking about how awesome our listeners are and all that, we talk about a new side project we are getting up and going.
And then we continue an ANNUAL tradition, by talking about an comic book Annual ... get it? We talk about Denny O'Neil, Steve Ditko, Batman, Rorschach, Green Arrow ... and more!
The Question Annual #2, 1989. "Losing Face," by Denny O'Neil, with art by Bill Wray and Shea Anton Pensa.
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Promo #1: Trekker Talk
Promo #2: No Agenda
Link #1: Dorkness to Light blog
Link #2: Dorkness to Light Tumblr page
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Despite being an atheist, there is still much about religion and explorations of faith I find very interesting, so I'll definitely give Dorkness to Light a try. Sad to hear of the passing of Uncovering the Bronze Age, but I know all too well (*cough*Remakes*cough*) that when something has passed it's time, it's passed its time, and I wish you all the best in moving forward. I'll always remember UtBA, not only for being what fight brought me to the Network, but for how honored I was by Emily's invite to participate in the Wertham episode and how absolutely amazing that turned out. Thank you so much and best of luck. :)
ReplyDeleteI received a notice from my lawyer and news-clipping service that I was mentioned once or twice on this episode. Therefore, I gave your little show a listen. You're welcome.
ReplyDeleteFirst and foremost, I blame both Professor Quarterbin and Emily for hurting my wallet. I had no plans to pick up any Convergence comics. Thanks to your coverage leading up to the event, I ended up getting about a dozen of those mini-series! Darn you, Middletons! Most of them were forgettable (or I haven't got to them yet). However, a few stand-out issues for me were: Justice Society of America, Superman, and Blue Beetle. I though the JLI issues were weak and the Blue Beetle issues were a much more enjoyable presentation of Beetle and Captain Atom.
Speaking of new DC Comics, I’m only collecting Justice League 3001. It’s an absolute blast! I LOVE THIS COMIC! It features some of the fun from the old JLI comics, but with crazy action. Your discussion of “Gotham By Midnight” made it sound interesting, so I might pick it up from the library. However, that name sounds like a late night Skin-emax movie from the 1980s.
Definite kudos to Emily on your Comics Code episode! Absolutely fantastic coverage that should be required listening to all comic readers. I’m happy to hear Professor Quarterbin was pleased with the 1990s Boom & Bust episode. While I’ve recorded a lot of podcasts over the years, that is one of the discussions I’m most proud of. It combined my passion for the comics, podcasting, and my previous profession. Really enjoyed that discussion. … Now let’s think about this … Comics Code episode & Boom/Bust episode were highlights of 2015. Hmmm… what do they have in common? Oh yeah, I contributed to both! Just saying. **ahem, Quarter Bin, ahem**
Good luck with Dorkness & Light! Will miss UBA, but happy you are finding your joy with this new project!