Monday, March 24, 2025

QBP #220 - Marvel Graphic Novel 14: Swords of the Swashbucklers

Quarter-Bin Podcast #220

Marvel Graphic Novel 14, cover-dated 1985.

"Swords of the Swashbucklers," by Bill Mantlo, with art by Butch Guice.

What happens when Professor Alan covers a comics from a source of cheap comics he has never covered before on the show? And how does he feel about pirates? SPACE PIRATES, at that?

Listen to the episode and find out! 

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Promo: To the Batpoles!

Next Episode:JSA 59, DC Comics, cover-dated April, 2004. Part of the JSApril event.

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Source: Humble Bundle

A Robust Crew by Darren-Curtis |
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Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

1 comment:

  1. In one of those 'cosmic comic karma' events, I actually bought the first 2 issues of this title out of the bargain bin about 6 weeks ago. As you say, the Mantlo/Guice team (and that cover) are a nice pull.

    That said, I felt exactly like you did about the OGN trying to read them. SOOOOOOO wordy! It felt a bit like a chore for me to get through and I was starting the book without knowing any of the OGN story.
    Shame, because when you can see his art, this is Guice at the top of his game.
    Anyways, if you want wooden space ships, read Chaykin's Ironwolf!
