Monday, September 23, 2024

Doomspeak #054 - The Harowing of Doom (novel)


The Harrowing of Doom, a prose novel by David Annandale, copyright date 2020.

What happens when Professor Alan covers a very rare piece of Doom's publication history -- a book containing ONLY WORDS!!!!

That's right, NO PICTURES (other than that pretty cool cover)

Without the help of comic book art, how does Doom build a supernatural science machine capable of peeling back the gates of Hell? And how will his people feel about a usurper's attempt to seize the throne?

Listen to the episode and find out!

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Promo: Terminator Now

Next Time: Doom 2099 34 & 35.

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Source: A gift from our good buddy, Dr Anj


  1. Glad you enjoyed it Prof. Interesting to point out that Doom knows he is going to fail and says it early on. It reminds me how about 70 pages into Fellowship of the Ring, Gandalf tells Frodo that Gollum is going to have an important role to play in the ending of things. There's like 1000 pages left. If you aren't paying attention to those details you might not pick up on it.
    Also shows just how focused Doom is on this mission, continuing to try and try again.

    1. Yeah, I can see the comparisons between this book and LotR.
