Monday, July 22, 2024

E&E #016 - The Great Disaster

Alan's Eyes & Ears #016 - The Great Disaster

In this 16th episode of Eyes & Ears, Professor Alan covers some feedback before launching into coverage of The Great Disaster, as presented in the Showcase volume of the same name, featuring the Atomic Knights. This is the first of a new sub-series Calm, Cool, & Collected, in which Alan covers trade paperbacks, collections and graphic novels from his bookshelves.

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  1. Interesting first choice. My only real encounter with the Atomic Knights was through the DCCP. Fans of the Knights are not fond of that story. But that was coming at a time when Crisis was looming and 'which future is THE future' was being asked. So I'll be interested in hearing about these earlier adventures.

    Those Hercules stories have some early Simonson art so you're in for a treat. And Atlas was a baddie in Superman about 10 yrs ago so another nice nugget.

    1. Yes, I am looking forward to checking out that DC Comics Presents. Enough time has passed that I think I will be able to read that understanding the context of the looming Crisis.
      And definitely looking forward to Hercules, as well. Thanks for your comments!
