Thursday, September 21, 2023

E&E #002 - Anatomy of a Collection, pt 1

Alan's Eyes & Ears #002 - Anatomy of a Collection, pt 1

In this second episode of this new podcast endeavor, Alan talks about EVERY comic in his collection. After he defines "collection," and to be honest, that part of the conversation is a bit embarrassing got the poor professor.

And he actually only talks about the comics up to and including Batgirl & the Birds of Prey, but this mini-series of episodes will EVENTUALLY cover EVERY comic in his collection.  

 This episode covers comics filed between 3-D Zone and Batgirl & the Birds of Prey. Titles discussed include (but are not limited to) Baker Street, Alter Ego, Ambush Bug ,& The Adventures of Mr. Crypt & Baron Rat.

How embarrassing is this discussion to the professor? 

Listen to this episode ... and find out!

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:

Right-click to download episode directly

Promo: To The Batpoles!

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  1. Great episode for lots of reasons.

    I also have an 'official collection' but also an unofficial collection as well. The unofficial collection is often stuff I buy from the cheap bins on a lark and don't meet whatever threshold I have to officially catalog them. Those boxes are often where I find 'topsecretproject' books to get signed for friends. Indeed, the possibility of getting stuff signed for friends is a draw for me from the box.

    Second, I have toyed with the idea of 'CLZ' but currently use 'League of Comic Geeks' as my website of choice to keep collection up to date. Can I bemoan ... again ... the loss of Comic Book Data Base. CBDB was perfect. So many filters, so many ways of looking at the data. So many ways to add or delete books. It is a shame it left us.

    Organizing books is always a fun topic. Like you, I adhere (mostly) to numerical - alphabetical. But I have some quirks.

    I usually eliminate adjectives/descriptors. So 'The Mighty Thor' is under T for Thor. 'Daring New Adventures of Supergirl' is under S for Thor. 'Saga of the Swamp Thing' is under S for Swamp.

    That said 'Adventures of Supergirl' and 'Adventures of Superman' are filed under A. And 'Fury of Firestorm' is under FU not FI. As long as it makes sense for me.

    Finally, just a comment on some of your books. Avengers #200 is such an odd book - poor Ms Marvel in that. I love that Claremont took the Avengers to task for their treatment of her in a later Avengers Annual.

    American Flagg Special is also interesting. It really is a backdoor pilot for Chaykin's Time2 graphic novels. Flagg is there as window dressing. Chaykin has said that the Time2 books are some of his most personal books, reflecting on his marriage at the time. (I think I sent that one to you ... glad it made the cut.)

    1. CBDB, RIP. What a great site.

      I imagine that my inconsistency in filing these books will become more obvious and embarrassing as this series continues.

      That Chaykin may well have come from you. Thanks!
