Friday, February 10, 2023

QBP #189 - The Falcon #1

Quarter-Bin Podcast #189

The Falcon #1, Marvel Comics, cover-dated November 1983.

"Winners and Losers," by James Owsley, Paul Smith, and Vincent Colletta.

What happens when Professor Alan tackles one of the early Marvel Limited Series, and gets street level with Sam Wilson aka The Falcon?

Listen to the episode and find out! 

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Promo: Rolled Spine Podcasts: Aliens

Next Episode: The Maze Agency 12, Innovation Comics, cover-dated May 1990.

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Source: World's Greatest Comics


  1. Great issue and a steal from the quarter box!

    Glad you pointed out the rape culture scene and how it is sort of brushed by. As you say, this hasn't aged well.

    That said, I am glad you covered it if only to point out just how far we have come in a relatively short period of time. People who think today's world is awful tend to ignore how horrible the past has been.

    Similarly, I don't think these things should be put out of publication if only because they can serve as history lessons. A warning that 'this was wrong then and it is wrong now' points out that lesson. And it should be a lesson learned.

    I might add that I used poor representations in classic movies as lessons when my kids were younger and we were watching TCM together.

    1. Every time and culture has its ideas that future folk will look back on askance. Including many things we say and believe these days.
