December 2017
So what comics did Professor Alan read during December -- was it a large amount, now that he is on Christmas Break? And what are his Top Ten Favorite Comic Reads of 2017? And who will win the coveted "Listener or the Year" award?
Listen to this super-special episode #31 ... and find out!
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Promo #1: John Adams, Letters from the Front
Promo #2: Doctor Who Panel by Panel
Next Episode: What comics did Professor Alan read during January? Find out when that episode comes out in early February.
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Thank you so much for elevating me to the elevated status of Knight; I shall endeavour to be worthy. I cannot wait for my flying horse!
ReplyDeleteMaster of Kung Fu is an amazing series. I recently shelled out for the four omnibus editions collecting the entire run - as well as the black and white magazine stories - then was peeved when Marvel announced One More Issue. Having read that comic, I’m glad it’s not in there, it’s totally unworthy of sittIng alongside even the most average Issue from the original run.
Yes, Sir Sir Martin. I was very surprised. Not sure what I was expecting, but it was way better than whatever those expectations were.
DeleteThanks for the award and letting me come on again to talk comics!
ReplyDeleteI've never read any Shang Chi, a shame since I like Moench and I like Gulacy. Seems like a peanut butter and chocolate moment. Maybe I need to get one of those 'phone book' treasuries.
I also am a fan of a fun-loving She-Hulk, including the Byrne run. I have toyed with the idea of collecting creator sigs on She-Hulk #50, a compilation issue.
Both of those were ones that very much exceeded expectations, even after hearing good things about She-Hulk.