Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal #007
December 2015 (and 2015)
what comic books did Professor Alan read since the last time he talked
the comics he read? Which 1990s DC event did he read, and actually like? Who won the prestigious "Relatively Geeky Listener of the Year" award? And what were his Top 10 comics of the tear?
Listen to this super-special episode #7 ... and find
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Promo #1: The Superman Fan Podcast
Promo #2: Fantasticast
Next Episode: What comics did Professor Alan read during January? The episode should be out in early February.
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Internet home of The Quarter-Bin Podcast, Alan's Eyes & Ears, and Doomspeak.
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Monday, December 21, 2015
RGP #005 - Obscure Christmas Songs
Relatively Geeky Presents 005: 12 Great Christmas Songs You Won't Hear on the Radio
Professor and Emily discuss some of their favorite obscure Christmas songs, songs that you probably haven't heard before (unless you're Christopher Ouelette). It is a mix of traditional and original songs. Enjoy.
Merry Christmas!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Songs played in the episode:
Angels We Have Heard on High, by Adam Again
Gabriel's Message, by Moya Brennan
Cry of a Tiny Babe, by Bruce Cockburn
Jesus Christ Was Born Today, by Considering Lily
Good King Wenceslaus, by Dawson Cowals
Righteous Joseph, by The Crossing
The Holly & The Ivy, by Heather Dale
O Come O Come Emmanuel, by Paeter Frandsen
Shepherds and Angels, by So Elated
Dayspring From on High, by Soul-Junk
Celtic Carol, by Lindsey Stirling
Room in My Heart, by The Violet Burning
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: The Crossover Nexus
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Merry Christmas!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
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Songs played in the episode:
Angels We Have Heard on High, by Adam Again
Gabriel's Message, by Moya Brennan
Cry of a Tiny Babe, by Bruce Cockburn
Jesus Christ Was Born Today, by Considering Lily
Good King Wenceslaus, by Dawson Cowals
Righteous Joseph, by The Crossing
The Holly & The Ivy, by Heather Dale
O Come O Come Emmanuel, by Paeter Frandsen
Shepherds and Angels, by So Elated
Dayspring From on High, by Soul-Junk
Celtic Carol, by Lindsey Stirling
Room in My Heart, by The Violet Burning
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: The Crossover Nexus
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
QBP #064 - Star Brand Annual
Star Brand Annual, Marvel Comics, cover-dated 1987.
"Intimate Enemies," by Bobbie Chase, with art by Geoff Isherwood and Art Nichols.
What happens when Star Brand visits an old friend in Europe? And visits the friend's hot girlfriend? Nothing at all could go wrong with this plan, right? Right? Right? Listen to the episode and find out exactly WHAT can go wrong!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: Task Force X
Next Episode: Justice 17, Marvel Comics New Universe, cover-dated March 1988.
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Saturday, December 5, 2015
CRJ #006 - November 2015
November 2015
So what comic books did Professor Alan read since the last time he talked about the comics he read? Were any of these from his lovely listeners? Did any come from his own collection? How many Fables-related titles can one man read in a month And what one Warren Ellis comic did he read?
Listen to this super-special episode #6 ... and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: Flowers & Fishnets: A Black Canary Podcast
Next Episode: What comics did Professor Alan read during December? Did he get any comics for Christmas? Tune in on New Year's Eve and find out! Spoilers: It'll also be a end-of-year review episode!
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Friday, November 27, 2015
SS #039 - Perspective & Perception

Shortbox Showcase #39
Perspectives & Perception.
Professor Alan and Emily talk about how different perspectives can be shown artistically in a comic book, including (but not limited to) how the world of the physically handicapped can be portrayed. They spend most of their time talking about these issues via recent issues of Hawkeye & Daredevil.
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Welcome to Astro City
Promo #2: X-Files Truth
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Thursday, November 19, 2015
QBP #063 - Nightmask #1
Nightmask #1, Marvel Comics, cover-dated November 1986.
"The Awakening," by Archie Goodwin, Tony Salmons, and Bret Blevins.
What happened when Marvel Comics tried to tell stories of the "world outside your window?" Even if that involves crazy "dream scientists?" Was this "New Universe" a new way to tell great comic book stories? Does Professor Alan look back at his New U fandom with shame, or does this story still stand up? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: GI Joe: A Real American Headcast
Next Episode: Star Brand Annual, Marvel Comics, cover-dated 1987.
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015
QBP #062 - Blackhawk 122

Blackhawk 122, DC Comics, cover-dated March 1958.
In observation of Veteran's Day, Professor Alan takes a look at a classic war comic, and by classic he means one that almost six decades old! And he does so with the help of a number of buddies who were (or are) members of the US Armed Forces. They talk a bit about the comic, and even more about their time in the service.
No writing credits are available for the stories, although editor Jack Schiff may have done some of the writing. Individual stories covered are:
"The Movie That Backfired," with art by Dick Dillin and Sheldon Moldoff.
"The Sky Kites," with art by Dick Dillin and Chuck Cuidera
"The Day the Blackhawks Died," by Dick Dillin and Chuck Cuidera.
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Link #1: Steve Lee's Modern Life Podcast Network
Link #2: Bill Robinson's Back to the Bins podcast.
Note: Most of the music for this episode performed by the Official United States Military Bands, from the CD "God Bless the USA: 50 Patriotic Favorites." Music from the CD "America's Favorite Marches: John Philip Sousa" was also used.
Next Episode: Nightmask #1, Marvel Comics' New Universe, cover-dated November 1986.
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Wednesday, November 4, 2015
CRJ #005 - October 2015
October 2015
So what comics has Professor Alan read since the last time he talked about the comics he read? What books did he read fro his own collection? What books came from his lovely listeners? And what did he actually buy off the racks recently at (GASP!) full price? And did he actually sneak a book review into this episode?
Listen to this super-special episode #5 ... and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: Avengers Spotlight
Next Episode: What comics did Professor Alan read during November? Tune in, in early December and find out!
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
QBP #061 - Morbius Revisited 5
Quarter-Bin Podcast #61
Morbius Revisited 5, Marvel Comics, cover-dated December 1993.
reprinting Fear 31, Marvel Comics, cover-dated December 1975.
"The End of a Vampire," by Bill Mantlo, with art by Frank Robbins and Vinnie Coletta.
Why was this vampire story reprinted almost two decades after it originally appeared? Is a vampire responsible for the deaths of his "children?" Can a living vampire find eternal love? And what exactly is a "living vampire" anyway? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: Earth Destruction Directive
Next Episode: Blackhawk 122, DC Comics, cover-dated March 1958.
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Morbius Revisited 5, Marvel Comics, cover-dated December 1993.
reprinting Fear 31, Marvel Comics, cover-dated December 1975.
"The End of a Vampire," by Bill Mantlo, with art by Frank Robbins and Vinnie Coletta.
Why was this vampire story reprinted almost two decades after it originally appeared? Is a vampire responsible for the deaths of his "children?" Can a living vampire find eternal love? And what exactly is a "living vampire" anyway? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: Earth Destruction Directive
Next Episode: Blackhawk 122, DC Comics, cover-dated March 1958.
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
SS #038 - Text Pieces & Backups

Professor Alan & Emily start the episode by covering some feedback, which leads them into a pretty extensive discussion of the upcoming television season. Then they discuss the concepts of illustrated novels, backup features, and fanfic, and weave those all together into a proposal for DC Comics. All this and more is discussed ... in the Shortbox!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
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Promo: Dorkness to Light
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You can follow Professor Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
QBP #060 - Preview Copies

In this special episode, Professor Alan reviews a trio of free review copies of new books he has received recently. And since one of the books is very monster-themed, be is joined by Luke Jaconetti to review that issue. The books covered in this special episode are:
Project Nemesis Book One, by Jeremy Robinson, with art by Matt Frank.
Red Hot #1 & #2, by Mike Luoma, with art by Rhys ap Gwyn, Juan Carlos Quattordio, and Bettina Fertitta.
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Waves of Tech
Promo #2: Mark's Mess vs. Atlantis Attacks
Link #1: Red Hot, by Mike Luoma
Link #2: Project Nemesis, by Jeremy Robinson
Link #3: Luke Jaconetti's Earth Destruction Directive podcast
Next Episode: Morbius Revisited #5, Marvel Comics, cover-dated December 1993.
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Saturday, October 3, 2015
CRJ #004 - September 2015
September 2015
So what comic books did Professor Alan read in August? Did he actually survive a meetup with The Irredeemable Shag, Michael Bradley, and others? Can he go more than ten minutes without mentioning The Spectre? And what embarrassing books did he find when he actually got around to re-organizing his collection over Labor Day?
Listen to this super-special episode #4 ... and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Comic Book Time Machine
Promo #2: Alibi Jones podcast novel
Next Episode: What did Professor Alan read in October? Now that he's back on a full-time professor's schedule, will he have any time to read comics or all - even the ones Rob Lantz gave him? Will there be ANYTHING for him to talk about in that episode? Tune in, in early November and find out!
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
QBP #059 - Doom 2099 #2 - 4
Quarter-Bin Podcast #59
DOOM 2099 #2, #3, #4, Marvel Comics, cover-dated February, March & April 1993.
All stories by John Francis Moore, with art by Par Broderick.
After upgrading his armor to late 21st Century specification, Doom is ready to take on Latverian leader Tiger Wylde. Can he wrestle his country back from the usurper? Will his gypsy tribe be on his side when he needs them? Do his new friends really trust him? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Invincible Iron Cast: Classics Edition
Promo #2: Trekker Talk
Next Episode: Not quite sure yet, but perhaps some free samples and review copies of comics I've recently received.
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DOOM 2099 #2, #3, #4, Marvel Comics, cover-dated February, March & April 1993.
All stories by John Francis Moore, with art by Par Broderick.
After upgrading his armor to late 21st Century specification, Doom is ready to take on Latverian leader Tiger Wylde. Can he wrestle his country back from the usurper? Will his gypsy tribe be on his side when he needs them? Do his new friends really trust him? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Invincible Iron Cast: Classics Edition
Promo #2: Trekker Talk
Next Episode: Not quite sure yet, but perhaps some free samples and review copies of comics I've recently received.
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Sunday, September 13, 2015
RGP #004 - Top 10 Wagnerian Jams
Jumping on the popular podcast bandwagon of music countdown episodes, Professor Alan plays his favorite tunes from his favorite classical composer, Richard Wagner. While doing so, he talks about growing up, not knowing much about classical music, his favorite run of the Thor comic book, scoring episodes of the Quarter-Bin Podcast, and Hitler.
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
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You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Link: Luke Jaconetti's Top 10 Tokusatsu TV themes countdown episode
Link: Andy Leyland's Top 10 genre TV themes countdown episode
Link: Tom Panarese's Top 10 TV theme song countdown episode
Send e-mail feedback to
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You can follow Professor Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Link: Luke Jaconetti's Top 10 Tokusatsu TV themes countdown episode
Link: Andy Leyland's Top 10 genre TV themes countdown episode
Link: Tom Panarese's Top 10 TV theme song countdown episode
Send e-mail feedback to
"Like" us on Facebook at
You can follow Professor Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Friday, September 4, 2015
CRJ #003 - August 2015
Professor Alan's Comic Book Reading Journal #003
August 2015
So what comic books did Professor Alan read in August? Did he actually pay ABOVE cover price for any of them? How many did he leave behind in the wild for others to find? Did he actaully read FIVE brand-new DC You titles? In one month? What sort of madness is this?
Listen to this super-special episode #3 ... and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Two True Freaks
Promo #2: King-Size Comics, Giant-Size Fun
Next Episode: What did Professor Alan read in September? Now that he's back on a full-time professor's schedule, will he have any time to read comics or all? Will there be ANYTHING for him to talk about in that episode? Tune in, in early October and find out!
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
August 2015
So what comic books did Professor Alan read in August? Did he actually pay ABOVE cover price for any of them? How many did he leave behind in the wild for others to find? Did he actaully read FIVE brand-new DC You titles? In one month? What sort of madness is this?
Listen to this super-special episode #3 ... and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Two True Freaks
Promo #2: King-Size Comics, Giant-Size Fun
Next Episode: What did Professor Alan read in September? Now that he's back on a full-time professor's schedule, will he have any time to read comics or all? Will there be ANYTHING for him to talk about in that episode? Tune in, in early October and find out!
Send e-mail feedback to
"Like" us on Facebook at
You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
QBP #058 - El Diablo 16
Quarter-Bin Podcast #58
El Diablo 16, DC Comics, cover-dated January 1991.
"Adios," by Gerard Jones, with art by Mike Parobeck and Paul Fricke.
Politics! Talking! And more Politics! And a costumed vigilante for a few panels! Does Gerard Jones wrap up the loose ends of this title with this finale story? Does anything happen? Is there more to this comic than Mike Parobeck's pretty art? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Beware of Monsters
Promo #2: No Agenda
Next Episode: DOOM 2099 #2 & #3, Marvel Comics, cover-dated February and march 1993.
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El Diablo 16, DC Comics, cover-dated January 1991.
"Adios," by Gerard Jones, with art by Mike Parobeck and Paul Fricke.
Politics! Talking! And more Politics! And a costumed vigilante for a few panels! Does Gerard Jones wrap up the loose ends of this title with this finale story? Does anything happen? Is there more to this comic than Mike Parobeck's pretty art? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Beware of Monsters
Promo #2: No Agenda
Next Episode: DOOM 2099 #2 & #3, Marvel Comics, cover-dated February and march 1993.
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Tuesday, August 18, 2015
QBP #057 - Loki #3 - 5
Quarter-Bin Podcast #57
Loki Agent of Asgard #3 - 5, Marvel Now!, cover-dated June, July & August, 2014.
All issues written by Al Ewing, with art by Lee Garbett. Covers by Jenny Frison.
How did Professor Alan like the way this arc wrapped up? Will young Loki be able to stop himself from becoming Old Loki? Will his efforts satisfy the All-Mothers? What role will Verity and Lorelai and Thor play in all this?
Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo #1: Radio Free Asgard
Promo #2: Nutty Bites
Next Episode: El Diablo 16, DC Comics, cover-dated January 1991.
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Loki Agent of Asgard #3 - 5, Marvel Now!, cover-dated June, July & August, 2014.
All issues written by Al Ewing, with art by Lee Garbett. Covers by Jenny Frison.
How did Professor Alan like the way this arc wrapped up? Will young Loki be able to stop himself from becoming Old Loki? Will his efforts satisfy the All-Mothers? What role will Verity and Lorelai and Thor play in all this?
Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo #1: Radio Free Asgard
Promo #2: Nutty Bites
Next Episode: El Diablo 16, DC Comics, cover-dated January 1991.
Send e-mail feedback to
"Like" us on Facebook at
You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
CRJ #002 - July 2015
July 2015
So what comic books did Professor Alan read in July? Did he actually pay money for any of them? How many were given to him by a friendly Canadian? How many did he get free via a Facebook contest? And how many were from trades from the library? And was one of them really a MANGA? DOES THAT EVEN COUNT?
Listen to this super-special episode #2 ... and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: Task Force X
Link: Chad Bokelman's Ragman blog
Next Episode: What did Professor Alan read in August? And will there be more episodes of this podcast coming? Tune in, in early September and find out!
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Saturday, August 1, 2015
SS #037 - Happy Anniversary!
After covering some feedback, and talking about how awesome our listeners are and all that, we talk about a new side project we are getting up and going.
And then we continue an ANNUAL tradition, by talking about an comic book Annual ... get it? We talk about Denny O'Neil, Steve Ditko, Batman, Rorschach, Green Arrow ... and more!
The Question Annual #2, 1989. "Losing Face," by Denny O'Neil, with art by Bill Wray and Shea Anton Pensa.
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo #1: Trekker Talk
Promo #2: No Agenda
Link #1: Dorkness to Light blog
Link #2: Dorkness to Light Tumblr page
Send e-mail feedback to
You can follow Professor Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Friday, July 24, 2015
QBP #056 - Loki #1 & #2
Quarter-Bin Podcast #56
Loki Agent of Asgard #1 & #2, Marvel Now!, cover-dated April & May, 2014
How did Professor Alan such new comics in a cheap bin? Does that speak to the low quality of the book? Or was it a clerical error at the store -- perhaps a trick being pulled by a certain young Asgardian who likes that sort of thing? Perhaps the all-mother(s) has (have) tasked Loki with the responsibility of getting these issues on the podcast. And does Loki really go speed-dating in one of these issues? Really?
Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo: Unofficial 75 Greatest Marvels Countdown Podcast
Next Episode: Loki Agent of Asgard 3-5.
Send e-mail feedback to
"Like" us on Facebook at
You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Loki Agent of Asgard #1 & #2, Marvel Now!, cover-dated April & May, 2014
How did Professor Alan such new comics in a cheap bin? Does that speak to the low quality of the book? Or was it a clerical error at the store -- perhaps a trick being pulled by a certain young Asgardian who likes that sort of thing? Perhaps the all-mother(s) has (have) tasked Loki with the responsibility of getting these issues on the podcast. And does Loki really go speed-dating in one of these issues? Really?
Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo: Unofficial 75 Greatest Marvels Countdown Podcast
Next Episode: Loki Agent of Asgard 3-5.
Send e-mail feedback to
"Like" us on Facebook at
You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Friday, July 17, 2015
SS #036 - The New DC You
Shortbox Showcase #36 - The New DC You!
In this episode, Professor Alan and Emily catch up on listener feedback before discussing the new DC books that they are reading now that Convergence is over.
Is Starfire fun? Is Constantine scary? Did they pick up Bizarro or Bat-Mite? And what about some of those books with "Gotham" in the name? What did they think of these ones? All these questions and more and answered ... in the Shortbox!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo: Superman Podcast Network
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You can follow Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan
In this episode, Professor Alan and Emily catch up on listener feedback before discussing the new DC books that they are reading now that Convergence is over.
Is Starfire fun? Is Constantine scary? Did they pick up Bizarro or Bat-Mite? And what about some of those books with "Gotham" in the name? What did they think of these ones? All these questions and more and answered ... in the Shortbox!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo: Superman Podcast Network
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We now have Facebook! "Like" us at
You can follow Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Friday, July 10, 2015
SS #035 - Convergence Report
Shortbox Showcase #35 - Convergence Report
In this episode, Professor Alan and Emily discuss the mass quantity of Convergence mini-series that they purchased in April & May. That's right, they talk about ALL the Convergence books they bought. All 42 of them! So what did they think of the books? Which mini-series were their favorites? Which were their not so favorites? Was Steve Trevor actually useful? Was Jimmy Olsen actually likeable? And just how many worlds have Red Rain vampires anyway?
All these questions and more and answered ... in the Shortbox!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo: Parallel Lines
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You can follow Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan
In this episode, Professor Alan and Emily discuss the mass quantity of Convergence mini-series that they purchased in April & May. That's right, they talk about ALL the Convergence books they bought. All 42 of them! So what did they think of the books? Which mini-series were their favorites? Which were their not so favorites? Was Steve Trevor actually useful? Was Jimmy Olsen actually likeable? And just how many worlds have Red Rain vampires anyway?
All these questions and more and answered ... in the Shortbox!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo: Parallel Lines
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We now have Facebook! "Like" us at
You can follow Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Friday, July 3, 2015
CRJ #001 - June 2015
June 2015
It's a new #1! That's right, here is your chance to get in on a new podcast on the ground floor! Save this episode now, so you can sell it later on eBay!
What is this new podcast about? Is it really just Professor Alan talking about the comics he read last month? And how many of those comics do you think featured Doctor Doom? Were any purchased new off the stands, or were they all trades from the library or books he otherwise got for free?
Listen to this collector's edition new number one episode ... and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
Next Episode: What did Professor Alan read in July? Tune in, in early August and find out!
Send e-mail feedback to
"Like" us on Facebook at
You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Thursday, June 25, 2015
QBP #055 - Challengers of the Fantastic
Challengers of the Unknown, Amalgam Comics, cover-dated June 1997.
"Challengers of the Unknown" by Karl Kesel, with art by Tom Grummett and Al Vey.
After their spaceship crashes, four people believe they are living on borrowed time, and become the Challengers of the Unknown, the world's greatest death-cheaters. But when Uatu the Guardian appears and warns of the coming of Galactiac, can even the mighty Challengers save the day? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Tales of the JSA: Crisis on Infinite Earths
Promo #2: Under the Dome Radio
Link: Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
Next Episode: Loki Agent of Asgard 1 & 2, Marvel Comics, cover-dated April & May 2014.
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
Thursday, June 18, 2015
QBP #054 - Doctor Strangefate
Doctor Strangefate, Amalgam Comics, cover-dated April 1996.
"The Decrees of Fate" by Ron Marz, with art by Jose-Luis Garcia-Lopez and Kevin Nowlan.
As the Marvel Universe is merging with the DC Universe, the man called Access wants to pull the amalgamated world apart. But the most powerful man in the Amalgam world, Doctor Strangefate, likes the new world just the way it is, thank you very much. What happens when he sends his three agents to bring him Access? Listen to Professor Alan and special guest Shawn Engel, and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo #1: Trentus Magnus Punches Reality
Promo #2: Flowers & Fishnets
Link: The Iron Lantern episode of Shawn Engel's "Just One of the Guys" podcast.
Next Episode: Challengers of the Fantastic, Amalgam Comics, cover-dated June 1997.
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Thursday, June 11, 2015
SS #034 - DC TV Season Wrap
Shortbox Showcase #34 - DC Comics TV Shows Wrap-up

In this episode, we talk about the DC-based TV shows that have recently wrapped up their seasons. We also talk about the new shows that are on their way.
SPOILER ALERT -- we talk in detail about the shows, all of the episodes that have aired, and our conjectures, predictions, and crazy theories about what may happen in the future. You have been warned.
If you want to avoid spoilers about a specific show, here are approximate start times for conversation about each show we cover in this episode:
0:02 - Gotham
0:26 - Constantine
0:37 - Preacher & Lucifer
0:40 - I, Zombie
0:58 - Teen Titans & Krypton
1:03 - Supergirl
1:11 - Legends of Tomorrow
1:17 - Arrow
1:25 - Flash
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Promo #1: Parallel Lines
Promo #2: Dave's Daredevil Podcast
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In this episode, we talk about the DC-based TV shows that have recently wrapped up their seasons. We also talk about the new shows that are on their way.
SPOILER ALERT -- we talk in detail about the shows, all of the episodes that have aired, and our conjectures, predictions, and crazy theories about what may happen in the future. You have been warned.
If you want to avoid spoilers about a specific show, here are approximate start times for conversation about each show we cover in this episode:
0:02 - Gotham
0:26 - Constantine
0:37 - Preacher & Lucifer
0:40 - I, Zombie
0:58 - Teen Titans & Krypton
1:03 - Supergirl
1:11 - Legends of Tomorrow
1:17 - Arrow
1:25 - Flash
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
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Promo #1: Parallel Lines
Promo #2: Dave's Daredevil Podcast
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Wednesday, June 3, 2015
SS #033 - Marvel TV Season Wrap
After covering some listener feedback, and having a conversation about the nature of "spoilers," we talk about the Marvel television shows that have recently wrapped up their seasons.
SPOILER ALERT - we talk in detail about the shows, all of the episodes that have aired, and our conjectures, predictions, and crazy theories about what may happen in the future. You have been warned.
If you want to avoid spoilers about a specific show, here are approximate start times for conversation about each show (and the one movie) we cover in this episode.
28:00 - Powers
32:00 - Agent Carter
43:00 - Avengers: Age of Ultron
48:00 - Marvel's Agents of SHIELD
53:00 - Daredevil
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
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Promo #1: Garage Sale Gloat
Promo #2: The Casebook of Esho St. Claire, by Scott Roche
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Wednesday, May 27, 2015
QBP #053 - Fantastic Four Annual 20
Fantastic Four Annual #20, Marvel Comics, cover-dated 1987.
"Double Double," written by Steve Englehart, with art by Paul Neary & Tony Dezuniga.
It's time for an annual pilgrimage for the rightful ruler of Latveria. What happens when the arch-villain Reed Richards refuses to aid the noble leader? Does Reed really want to bring child-care strategies into the conversation? And exactly how members are in the so-called "Fantastic" so-called "Four" anyway?
Doom invites you to listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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Promo #1: Fantasticast
Promo #2: Orphaned Entertainment
Link: Dave Elliott's Fantastic Fourcast podcast
Next Episode: Doctor Strangefate, Amalgam Comics, cover-dated 1996. With a super-special mystery guest (hint: it's Shawn Engel)!
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015
QBP #052 - Justice League of America #188
Justice League of America #188, DC Comics, cover-dated March 1981.
"The Metamorph War," written by Gerry Conway, with art by Don Heck and Frank McLaughlin.
"The Miracle at 22,300 Miles," written by Gerry Conway, with art by Rich Buckler and Franks McLaughlin.
The Leaguers take on some of their toughest foes ever ... themselves! And then they have to handle their malfunctioning satellite! Can they survive either of these scenarios? Or both? And how does Zatanna get a whole new costume in the MIDDLE of one of these stories? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
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This episode is part of the "Conway Crossover" podcast event, celebrating the work of Gerry Conway, as well as bringing to light to the issues of creator equity in the characters that they create.
Link: Gerry Conway's Tumblr
Link: The Fire & Water Podcast's conversation with Gerry Conway.
Promo #1: Super Mates
Promo #2: Comic Book Time Machine
Next Episode: Fantastic Four Annual #20, Marvel Comics, from 1987.
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015
QBP #051 - Free Comics 2015!
Quarter-Bin Podcast #51
Free Comics Book Day 2015
How did Professor Alan do at Free Comic Book Day this year? And what did he think of the books he nabbed? Whose story did he like more ... the steampunk fairy tale chick or the greatest hero that Canada has ever known? How many Doctors appeared in the Doctor Who issue? And how many Avengers (and Inhumans?) appeared in the Avengers (and Inhumans) issue?
Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Music for this episode is from The Comrades, whose music you can find at Blood & Ink Records.
Promo #1: Listen to the Prophets: A Deep Space 9 Podcast
Promo #2: Who's Who Podcast
Next Episode: Justice League of America #188, part of the "Conway's Crossover" podcast event.
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Free Comics Book Day 2015
How did Professor Alan do at Free Comic Book Day this year? And what did he think of the books he nabbed? Whose story did he like more ... the steampunk fairy tale chick or the greatest hero that Canada has ever known? How many Doctors appeared in the Doctor Who issue? And how many Avengers (and Inhumans?) appeared in the Avengers (and Inhumans) issue?
Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Music for this episode is from The Comrades, whose music you can find at Blood & Ink Records.
Promo #1: Listen to the Prophets: A Deep Space 9 Podcast
Promo #2: Who's Who Podcast
Next Episode: Justice League of America #188, part of the "Conway's Crossover" podcast event.
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Saturday, May 2, 2015
RGP #003 -- Boom & Bust

Continuing the conversation that began in Quarter-Bin Podcast #50, Professor Alan talks with Ed Moore, Paul Spataro, and Tom Panarese about the business of comics. They start with the speculator boom (and bust) of the 1990s. but also talk about the current state of comics, including price points, digital comics, and getting kids to read comics.
Also, Professor Alan talks one-on-one with The Irredeemable Shag about the topic. Shag was working in the comic book retail space during this era, and he brings his knowledge and insights to the conversation.
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
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Promo #1: Mark's Mess vs. Atlantis Attacks
Promo #2: King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun
Link: Ed Moore's Teal Productions Facebook page
Link: Tom Panarese's Pop Culture Affidavit site
Link: Paul Spataro's Back to the Bins podcast
Link: Shag's Firestorm Fan site
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Saturday, April 25, 2015
QBP #050 - Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1

Quarter-Bin Podcast #50
Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1, Valiant Comics, cover-dated July 1993.
"Cold Blood Blazing," by David Michelinie, with art by Bart Sears and Randy Elliott
How many podcasters does it take to cover the most quintessnetial quarter-bin book of all time? Evidently, it takes 4 of them: Professor Alan, Ed Moore, Tom Panarese, and Paul Spataro.
As a story, how does the issue hold up? Setting aside all of the hype and legend, is it any good? And does this book really deserve the reputation is has for single-handedly crashing the entire comic book industry? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:How many podcasters does it take to cover the most quintessnetial quarter-bin book of all time? Evidently, it takes 4 of them: Professor Alan, Ed Moore, Tom Panarese, and Paul Spataro.
As a story, how does the issue hold up? Setting aside all of the hype and legend, is it any good? And does this book really deserve the reputation is has for single-handedly crashing the entire comic book industry? Listen to the episode and find out!
Right-click to download episode directly
Next Episode: The 2015 Free Comic Book Day episode!
Promo: Superman Fan Podcast
Link: Ed Moore's Teal Productions Facebook page
Link: Tom Panarese's Pop Culture Affidavit site
Link: Paul Spataro's Back to the Bins podcast
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You can follow me on twitter @ProfessorAlan
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Friday, April 17, 2015
SS #032 - The Rorschach Test
Professor Alan & Emily spend time reviewing recent feedback, and also talk about all of the Vertigo books they have both been reading.
Then they talk about the concept of the anti-hero in comic books and the rest of pop culture. They mention Dirty Harry, Sam Spade, The Punisher, The Equalizer, Deadpool, (hail) Doom, and Rorschach. And probably a few others.
Click on the player below to listen to the episode:
Right-click to download episode directly
Promo: Invincible Iron Cast, classic edition
Link: Our friend Lauren's blog
Link: Vertigo's Incognegro graphic novel
Closing song: Listen to Your Parents, by Insomniac Folklore
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Friday, April 10, 2015
QBP 049 - Doom 2099 #1

DOOM 2099 #1, Marvel Comics, cover-dated January 1993.
"Muses of Fire," written by John Francis Moore, with art by Pat Broderick
Doom invites you to a retelling of his future origin. How did Doctor Doom arrive in 2099? How far has Latveria fallen in his absence? Who is that furry orange beast who claims to be running the nation? Isn't that guy too young and too unscarred to actually be Doctor Doom? And what could possibly go wrong flying in a 100-year-old airplane? Listen to the episode and find out!
Click on the player below to listen to the episode
Right-click to download episode directly
You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.
Promo: Pop Culture Affidavit
Link: 2099 Bitmapped site
Next Episode: Turok Dinosaur Hunter #1, Valiant Comics, cover-dated .
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