Monday, May 5, 2014

SS #017 - Feedback and Shooting the Breeze

Shortbox Showcase #017 -- Feedback 2: Electric Boogaloo

Emily and Professor Alan go through the feedback they've received recently from their kind and thoughtful listeners.There is a lot of responses to the recent sidekick episode, but many other topics are covered, as well.

They also talk about Free Comic Book Day, and about their upcoming opportunity to indulge in some cheap comic-book purchasing.

Send e-mail feedback to

You can follow Professor Alan on twitter @ProfessorAlan

Link: I Hate / Love Remakes

Promo #1: Dinner 4 Geeks
Promo #2: Shortbox Showcase (very meta!) 

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1 comment:

  1. My reaction to the initial mention wasn't all that dissimilar a pleasant surprise as, while I haven't started listening yet to all the companion/friend shows they air promos for, I have been a follower of The Fantasticast for a while, so I was not only familiar with Professor Alan, but had heard promos for the various Relatively Geeky shows. Which is why when Alex said the mention was on Uncovering the Bronze Age, my ears perked up further and I was all the more amused by how small a world the internet can be at times. Which isn't to say it's always a small world, because like Ages and decades, there's a lot of wobbly room which defies such generalized labels. ;)

    Incidentally, Alex has gone from a good Twitter friend to co-host of one of my other shows.

    I'm truly enjoying every one of the shows here, and find them wonderfully and thoughtfully crafted, and deeply insightful, so the honor of having stumbled across one another spills both ways. :)
