DOOM 2099, #8, #9, & #10, Marvel Comics, cover-dated August, September & October 1993.
"Emperor of the Mind," "The Spirits Within Me," and "Breakdown." The first and third stories were written by John Francis Moore, with art by Pat Broderick and John Nyberg.The second story was written, drawn & inked by Ernie Colon.
DOOM has spent a number of issues in Cyberspace. Will he finally get out during these issues? Will his time in cyberspace have any consequences on the real world? What does he have to elarn from Jack the Ripper and Professor Moriarty? And did we really need a fill-in issue this early in the series run? Listen to the episode and find out!
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Promo: Doctor Who Dark Journey audio adventures
Next Episode: JLX & JLX Unleashed, Amalgam Comics, cover-dated April 1996 & June 1997, respectively.
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