Monday, March 24, 2025

QBP #220 - Marvel Graphic Novel 14: Swords of the Swashbucklers

Quarter-Bin Podcast #220

Marvel Graphic Novel 14, cover-dated 1985.

"Swords of the Swashbucklers," by Bill Mantlo, with art by Butch Guice.

What happens when Professor Alan covers a comics from a source of cheap comics he has never covered before on the show? And how does he feel about pirates? SPACE PIRATES, at that?

Listen to the episode and find out! 

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:


Right-click to download episode directly

You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed. 

Promo: To the Batpoles!

Next Episode:JSA 59, DC Comics, cover-dated April, 2004. Part of the JSApril event.

Send e-mail feedback to 

"Like" us on Facebook at

You can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_Geek and the host @ProfessorAlan

Source: Humble Bundle

A Robust Crew by Darren-Curtis |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Doomspeak #057 - Doom 2099 36 - 38


DOOM 2099 #36 - 38, Marvel Comics, cover-dated December 1995, January 1996. & February 1996.

"Shockriding, parts 1 - 3" were all written by Warren Ellis, with art by Steve Pugh (36 & 38), Scott Koblish (36 - 38), & Ashley Wood (37).

What happens when Doom's battle with Anthony Herod (and President Captain America) finally come to an end? How exactly does Doom win? 

 Listen to the episode and find out!

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:


Right-click to download episode directly

You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.

Promo: Two True Freaks

Next Time: Could be anything. Maybe Doom 2099 39 & 40, maybe not.

Send e-mail feedback to 

"Like" us on Facebook at

You can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_Geek and the host @ProfessorAlan

Monday, March 3, 2025

QBP #219 - Detective Comic Annual 3

Quarter-Bin Podcast #219

Detective Comics Annual #3, cover-dated 1990.


 "Obligation" by Archie Goodwin, with art by Dan Jurgens & Dick Giordano.

What happens when a certain irredeemable guest joins the professor to discuss an epic globe-spanning Batman adventure? And what is the guest's favorite Ohio-based food item?

Listen to the episode and find out! 

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:


Right-click to download episode directly

You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed. 

Promo: Mike's Comic Book Roadshow

Link: The Fire & Water Podcast Network

Next Episode:Marvel Graphic Novel 14: Swords of the Swashbucklers, cover-dated 1985.

Send e-mail feedback to 

"Like" us on Facebook at

You can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_Geek and the host @ProfessorAlan

Source: In the Ballpark

Music in the episode: City Life by Artificial.Music |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

Thursday, February 20, 2025

E&E #024 - Anatomy of a Collection, pt 4

Alan's Eyes & Ears #024 - Anatomy of a Collection, pt 4

In this fourth episode of this podcast mini-series, Alan continues his attempt to talk about EVERY comic in his collection. Picking up where he left off last time, he talks about Doctor Doom, DC Bombshells, Doctor Doom, Doctor Who, and possibly even Doctor Doom.

And which well-known title is astonishingly under-represented in the collection?

Listen to this episode ... and find out!

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:

Right-click to download episode directly

Promo: JSApril 2025

Send e-mail feedback to 

You can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_Geek and Professor Alan @ProfessorAlan

You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.

Monday, February 10, 2025

QBP #218 - Champions #1

Quarter-Bin Podcast #218

The Champions #1, Marvel Comics, cover-dated October 1975.

"The World Still Needs The Champions," by Cleveland native Tony Isabella, with art by Don Heck & Mike Esposito.

What happens when a university on the west coast is invaded by harpies, mutates, & Amazon warriors?

Listen to the episode and find out! 

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:


Right-click to download episode directly

You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed. 

Promo: Hey Kids! Comics

Next Episode:Detective Comics Annual #3, cover-dated 1990.

Send e-mail feedback to 

"Like" us on Facebook at

You can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_Geek and the host @ProfessorAlan

Source: Krazzy Comics

Music in the episode: City Life by Artificial.Music |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0)

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Doomspeak #056 - Doctor Doom & Rocket Racoon #1 (2025)


Doctor Doom & Rocket Raccoon #1, Marvel Comics, cover-dated  2025.

"Thirteen Days of Doom," written by J Michael Straczynski, with art by Will Robson.

What happens with Rocket gives Doom a hand in traveling back to before the Big Bang to answer the question ... WHY???

 Listen to the episode and find out!

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:


Right-click to download episode directly

You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed.

Promo: Deconstructing Comics

Next Time: Doom 2099 #36 - 38.

Send e-mail feedback to 

"Like" us on Facebook at

You can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_Geek and the host @ProfessorAlan

Monday, January 20, 2025

QBP #217 - Avengers #7

Quarter-Bin Podcast #217

Avengers #7, Marvel Comics, cover-dated January 2024.


"Twilight Dreaming, Part 1" by Jed MacKay, with art by CF Villa.


What happens when Captain Entropy steps out of the obscurity of the Fire & Water Podcast Network to join Professor Alan? Is his experience a dream come true? Or is it just one long Nightmare?

Listen to the episode and find out! 

Click on the player below to listen to the episode:


Right-click to download episode directly

You may also subscribe to the podcast through iTunes or the RSS Feed. 

Promo: The Huntress Podcast

Link: The Fire & Water Podcast Network

Next Episode: Champions 1, Marvel Comics, cover-dated October 1975.

Send e-mail feedback to 

"Like" us on Facebook at

You can follow the network on Twitter @Relatively_Geek and the host @ProfessorAlan

Source: The bagging and boarding competition, Heroes Con 2024.

Music in the episode: An Epic Story by MaxKoMusic |
Music promoted by
Creative Commons / Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-SA 3.0)